Divinations II: Twine, Maps, & the Meta-Meta

There’s a twine ball scandal in our midst.

In our second episode of the seven-part Divinations miniseries, poet Sandra Yannone and I dig into her work-in-progress poem, "The Stars on the Snake River," inspired by the Little Oracles lexical fractal "twine," part of the original Little Oracles multimedia digital installation, which is back on view at littleoracles.com/exhibit.

We talk about the liminality of travel and creative revision, map-making, the poet Elizabeth Bishop (including a reading of her poem, "The Map"), and more. Plus, I share a snippet of my response poem to Sandy's featured reading! You can find the full transcript here. Enjoy this very meta-meta episode. ;)

xx, aa


Divinations III: Lakes, Cosmic Convergence, & the Scientific Sublime


Hello, Divinations