Divinations VII: Bones, Bergs, & the Oracular Season Finale
Our final Divinations episode, starring my poem-in-progress, “Sortition,” plus a season-wrap chat. Featuring S3:E7.
Divinations VI: Bolts, Friendly Ghosts, & the Opportunity to Tilt
Sandy’s final poem-in-progress, “By Years the Obstacles, at Night the Scars.” Featuring S3:E6.
Divinations V: Pockets, Tooth Fairies, & the Surreal Real
Another week, another work-in-progress poem: my “Articles of Incorporation.” Featuring S3:E5.
Divinations IV: Shells, Learning to Listen, & the Lyric You
More poetry coming in hot: Sandy’s work-in-progress poem, “Ecdysis Sonnet.” Featuring S3:E4.
Divinations III: Lakes, Cosmic Convergence, & the Scientific Sublime
Another poem-forward episode, with my work-in-progress poem, “Hereafter.” Featuring S3:E3.
Divinations II: Twine, Maps, & the Meta-Meta
Our first poem-focused episode, starring Sandy’s “The Stars on the Snake River,” a work-in-progress poem. Featuring S3:E2.
Hello, Divinations
Kicking off Season Three, our Divinations mini-series — featuring poet Sandra Yannone! — with a warm welcome. Featuring S3:E1.
A finale & a trailer
Wrapping up Season Two: Play as Practice, and hyping Season Three. Plus, ABC picks for November & December! Featuring S2:E23.
Hauntings V: The Halloween Special
A very special Halloween episode: my scary short fiction soundscaped by the marvelous Kaitlin Bruder, co-creator of Thin Places Radio. Featuring S2:E22.
Hauntings IV with Shannon Joy Rodgers
A Creative Chat about the intersections of humor and horror with Emmy-winning writer and performer, Shannon Joy Rodgers. Featuring S2:E21.
Hauntings III: Books about crossing over
Mini reviews of books about passing through the veil, featuring S2:E20.
Hauntings II with Kristen O’Neal
A Haunted Chat about the comfort of horror with author and co-creator of Thin Places Radio, Kristen O’Neal. Featuring S2:E19.
Hauntings I: A micro-series debut
Kicking off Creepy-Cozy Season with a month-long micro-series, dubbed Hauntings. Plus, October ABC picks! Feat. S2:E18.
Another Johnversation
This season’s Creative Chat with graphic artist and game designer, featuring S2:E17.
Books about dissonance
Mini reviews of books about public — and personal — discordance. Featuring S2:E16.
Hot Takes part deux
Extra-locational inspiration meets Old West Lord of the Rings, featuring S2:E15.
Creative Chat with Sabrina Sims
A Creative Chat with experimental media artist and game designer Sabrina Sims, featuring S2:E14.
Books like the last days of summer
Mini reviews of books about nostalgia. Featuring S2:E13.