New year, new pod

Little Oracles got a major makeover for 2023, and I couldn’t be more pumped to share this pod with you.

launching the Little Oracles podcast

After years of tinkering with the concept of Little Oracles — and after many evolutions, including fall 2022’s multimedia installation for Orcas Paley — it’s metamorphosed into its latest form: a podcast that digs into what inspires us to aspire, make a mess, and find joy as career and casual creatives. Season One kicks off with a theme that’s near and dear to my heart: Words, Words, Words.

S1:E0 | Hi, Hey, Howdy! Welcome to Little Oracles
little oracles | allison arth

Plus, we’re launching the Little Oracles Asynchronous Book Club (ABC for short!), a monthly themed CYO reading list curated by yours truly, Allison Arth. Join us on Instagram @littleoracles for conversation, virtual hugs and high-fives, and my signature big book energy in real time.

I’ll chronicle my creative pursuits and my ABC shenanigans here on the blog, too, as well as on the Little Oracles podcast, available wherever you listen.

Great to see you, thanks for stopping by. And, as always, take care, keep creating, and stay divine.

xx, aa


ABC, read with me