Creative Chat with Lindsay Stewart
Lindsay wears all the hats. Like, all of them.
So Lindsay and I go back a little ways. I think we met in kindergarten in our small Western Washington town, in an elementary classroom that smelled like chalk and Elmer’s glue. We took piano lessons together, ate after-school sandwiches in her Grandma’s kitchen, pored over Vogue when we got older.
Two lil babies in 1999.
But I don’t only love Linds because we were peas in a pod for so many years; I also love her because she’s an absolute creative force. She’s founded brands, made careers on her creativity, all while raising a family and making her home a warm, welcoming, hospitable space.
Right now, she’s applying her creativity to redoing her North Texas home and building an interiors creator brand on Instagram (follow her shiny-happy feed @lindsaystewartdotcom), and her insights into building a business via social are both incisive and humble — I honestly learned so much.
Plus, her understanding of hospitality as a home and interiors creator is so fresh: “We want to personify hospitality. … I want a home to feel like a hotel, not in the flashy, expensive, escaping-reality way, but in the embracing the senses, and feeling welcome, and feeling like a cherished guest.”
I always think of Lindsay as the living disco ball, a multifaceted person who shines light on everyone else, and is still the life of the party, and this chat is no exception: we talk about the bitter and the sweet of the creative life — from getting out of long-haul creative slumps, to the space for drama in decorating, to the words we use to tell our own stories (including how we might rewrite cocktail-hour small talk).
I love this chat, and I think you will, too.
.xx, aa