The veil between worlds is thin

Tomorrow on the pod: a Creative Chat with Kristen O’Neal and Kaitlin Buder of the Thin Places Radio podcast! (I’m totally freaking out. In a good way.)

[ Transcript ]

allison arth: I'm coming to live you from the inside of my closet.
kaitlin bruder: Perfect.
kristen o’neal: Love of small spaces!
kb: Very on-brand.

aa: Coming up on the Little Oracles podcast: a Creative Chat with Kristen O'Neal and Katlin Bruder, the brilliant minds behind Thin Places Radio.

aa: How did you decide: you know what we should do is make this podcast that is this little jewel of weirdness and coziness?
kb: A lot of the friendships I've made are because someone made something and it made me feel so big that I had to make something in return. This makes me feel like my brain got struck by lightning.
ko: [laughs] Yeah!
kb: This should be a podcast! And Kit was like, "Yeah, I kinda always thought so, too," and I was like, "No, you do not understand!"
ko: I was like, oh, so you're serious? [laughs]
kb: At the time I didn't really realize was, like, my favorite place in the creative process was to like elevate other things -- like being able to work with people and, like, enable stuff has always been one of my favorite things.
ko: I think, like, our first, like, in my mind, "friendship event," was that we watched Pete's Dragon. [laughs]
kb: We were kind of joking about our, like, niche poles: we watched so many children's movies from the '70s. So we were talking about Pete's Dragon, Escape to Witch Mountain, Bedknobs and Broomsticks ...
aa: You know, learning this about you really gives me a lot of insight into the things that you're creatiing; all the pieces are falling into place.
ko & kb: [laughs]

aa: So what draws you to thin places?
ko: When I was a senior in high school, somebody told me what the word liminality meant, and then I became obsessed with it ... and like, since then. [laughs]
aa: [laughs]
ko: Like, it's just been constant! I think there's just something really compelling about in-between spaces, because, like, in some ways, we're always there.

aa: This lore that you're building in: was that, like, from the get-go, or did that just come organically?
kb: The scaffolding is still always going to be the Host's journey, but, like, we know exactly where this story is headed; like, there is a full beginning to end. The plot is kind of a vessel for these collaborative little stories that we get to tell with listeners.
ko: Actual people do call in. I do feel like it's a form of collaborative storytelling, and it's kind of like a poem. In a lot of ways, it's a podcast about loneliness, because she's always alone, but I think that's why there's so much focus on the small moments of connection, because they are that much more impactful, and, like, we're connecting with things of people also in those margins, I think.

aa: Find Little Oracles wherever you get podcasts.

I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS CHAT. Subscribe so you don’t miss it.

xx, aa


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